On saturday we skied a sprint in the open areas around Evertsberg. It was quite challenging and a lot of misstakes were made. Marte reached the second place while Christian was a bit longer down on the resultlist.
The middle-distance on sunday was mostly in the forest and on marshes with very little snow. We both lost quite much time to the winners. There is still a big job to do.
Christian discussing routechoices with Christian Spörry
On monday an tuesday we started to do our job by joining the Mora skigymnas at their trainingscamp at Idre Fjäll. We skied a line-orienteering, gladiatorslingor and a middle-distance testrace. It was great to train that much ski-o and I think, we took a step forward. Thanks to Ekan and Ola for the perfect organisation.
Christian at the test-race