
Shitty weather?: Indoor training

Sometimes when it is wet, icy and cold outside, indoor training might be the best alternative. To save time, we have two alternatives at home, a cycle trainer and an Ercolina upper body power machine, i.e. "a ski ergometer". And when really shitty weather, we use these alternatives for training.

We spend some hours at these machines every year, and the challenge is to make it as funny as training without moving forward can be. Mostly we therefore watch movies while training, action and sport movies as well as easy animation films can be recommended for such training.

With a cycle mill or "ski ergometer" and some maps you can even have a good o technical training. Intervals with map-reading on the cycle trainer/mill can be recommended, both for orientereers, ski-orienteerers and bike-orienteerers. Always look for opportunities, and alternative ways to train.

A few recommended films for indoor training:
Rocky, Triple X, GI Jane and The incredibles.


  1. Is Christian training for night ski-o?

  2. Sure. And as you can see Christian is really well prepared for night ski-o this winter. 100% focus. Well, not all true, actually it is to dark in our hall/training room to see the map properly without a lamp, thus the head lamp.
