25 cm snow and a cross-country playground for kids, it was time for the first ski-o training in Bymarka in Trondheim. We did 4 longer intervals (6 min) and two super sprints (3 min). After only rollerski-o and ski-o imitation exercises the last 6 months it felt really great to be back in the ski-o tracks.
The last week has been really cold, -15 degrees, high humidity and wind feels incredible cold. The cold has however made the tracks firm, so it was perfect for a first ski-orienteering training. In the upper part of Bymarka there is a kids ski-playing area with several tracks. 15 minutes skiing in the area trying to remember the tracks, a really old map, drawing it all at the computer and we had a good ski-o training.
Next weekend it is time for Ensi Lumin Rastit in Ylläs Finland, before the national opening at Venabu 11th and 12th of december. We are really motivated to start the season now and really look forward to some days in Ylläs for competitions and ski-o training. Christian will join the swiss team that will stay there for almost two weeks, whilst I will go with the Norwegian elite team. Ensi Lumin Rastit always offers really good ski-o track systems, and it will be an important part of our season start.