
Finally; first ski-o training in Trondheim

25 cm snow and a cross-country playground for kids, it was time for the first ski-o training in Bymarka in Trondheim. We did 4 longer intervals (6 min) and two super sprints (3 min). After only rollerski-o and ski-o imitation exercises the last 6 months it felt really great to be back in the ski-o tracks.

The last week has been really cold, -15 degrees, high humidity and wind feels incredible cold. The cold has however made the tracks firm, so it was perfect for a first ski-orienteering training. In the upper part of Bymarka there is a kids ski-playing area with several tracks. 15 minutes skiing in the area trying to remember the tracks, a really old map, drawing it all at the computer and we had a good ski-o training.

Next weekend it is time for Ensi Lumin Rastit in Ylläs Finland, before the national opening at Venabu 11th and 12th of december. We are really motivated to start the season now and really look forward to some days in Ylläs for competitions and ski-o training. Christian will join the swiss team that will stay there for almost two weeks, whilst I will go with the Norwegian elite team. Ensi Lumin Rastit always offers really good ski-o track systems, and it will be an important part of our season start.


Early winter and good skiing conditions in Trondheim

For more than a week now we have enjoyed good skiing conditions in Trondheim. As it was snowing heavily in Trondheim when we travelled to Bruksvallarna with the Norwegian ski-o team last sunday, Christian decided to stay at home the whole week, so that he could combine working and training. And he did indeed do the right thing. Returning from Bruksvallarna thursday I found much better training conditions at home and have already absorbed several ski-sessions in Bymarka.

Marte, skiing at Saustad

Our experience so far:

Saupstad: Saupstad is perfect for skating, a solid layer of snow and no stones, good training skies can be used.
Upper part of Bymarka: Storsvingen, Heriksåsen, Elgsethytta: Good for classic skiing, some branches in the track, but nearly no stones. Training skies.
Lower part of Bymarka: Told to be ok, but you may expect some more stones.

Official xc-skiing reports for Trondheim can be found at Skiklubben.no.


Ski-orienteerer of the year at the Norwegian "O-galla"

Saturday I was awarded ski-orienteerer of the year at the Norwegian "orienteering-galla" in Oslo. I got the award for my european champion title, WC total and three WC victories. Barbro Kvaale and Lars Moholdt was also nominated for this price, they both performed grat last season and I really feel honored to receive this price. (Photo: Bjørn Bjugan)
Now I am starting the last preparations for this season with training camp in Bruksvallarna with the Norwegian ski-o team. I am indeed motivated for the main goals this year, EC at Lillehammer and WC in Funäsdalen. My and the ski-o teams season preparations before christmas:

7.-14. Nov: Training camp, Bruksvallarna, Norwegian ski-o team
25.-29. Nov: Training camp, Skei, Norwegian ski-o team
2.-7. Des: Training camp, Ylläs, Norwegian ski-o team
11.-12. Des: Competition, ski-o, Venabu (www.venabuopen.no)
17.-21. Des: Competition/trainingcamp, Idre, Norwegian ski-o team.