With a 1st and 2nd place in
Ensi Lumin rastit I had a good season opening and best results in Finland ever. However, even if the results are good, my races were not optimal. One big mistake each day is just not good enough (3 min on the long and 1,5 min on the middle!). I also still lack some of the map reading flow, but I skied well and for this time of the year I am satisfied with my performances. (Photo: Ivar Gilså)
Christian finished as number 17 and 20, he recently had some stomach trouble, and thought his races was OK under these circumstances.
Find GPS tracking for both days
This weekend we will ski the national opening at Venabu,
Venabu open. It is little snow in the terrain, but we know that the organizeres will do a good job and look forward to good competitions.
Jasså, så du har lagt inn sensur i GPS-trackern fra lørdagen ;-)Gratulerer med strålende resultater og lykke til på hjemmebane!
ReplyDeleteJøss, så mange finner...
ReplyDeleteHe, he. Best å sensurer bort de største bommene ;-) Nå i helga unngikk jeg helt gps søndag, så stor-brøleren min på Venabu blir forbigått i stillhet ;-) Er fornøyd med løpene i Finland, på Venaby gikk jeg et bra løp lørdag og et ikke fullt så bra søndag.