
Good season finish

To day I finished the season with the Norwegian championships in sprint relay. I skied with my Strindheim IL team mate Kjersti Bø. Kjersti is a strong sprinter, and as sprint is also my strength in cross-country skiing we had a strong team and the dream was a medal. Six teams, us included, skied very strong in the semifinals and we soon understood that it would be a real fight for the podium in the final. We did a good competition and finished fifth in a very strong start field, so we were satisfied after all. Njård won the relay in front of Heming IL and Oppdal IL. A good finish of the season, now I will have my off-season, relax for some days and only train easy for some weeks. Our club mates Thomas and Petter Northug won the mens relay. My first challenge in the summer season will be TIO-mila with Wing OK May 1st.
Results from the finals: NM results sprint relay finals.

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