
Norwegian summer in Switzerland

After a hard competition season we are enjoying easy trainings and warmer climate in Switzerland. With 17 C and sunshine, it feels just like summer for a Norwegian, and we have had our first trainings in t-shirt and shorts. To day short I3 pyramide intervalls, yesterday a map training. We did a few running/orienteering sessions in Trondheim during easter, and allthough it still feels hard, we are slowly adapting to running agan. We try to do some short running sessions in the winter season, but it sure feels hard to do the first running intervals after a long skiing season. May 1st I will run Tiomila with my team, a big motivation for spring training.
Beside easy trainings we have visited Zürich, a really charming city we always try to visit when we are in Switzerland. This weekend we will go to Berlin as tourists, doing something completely different than training and competitions. It is sure nice to relax after a long season.

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